Thursday, 4 September 2014

The 'System'

Now I am confused. Some people inside the parliament and outside have been saying this lately that “the elections were heavily rigged , there is no doubt about that. but we should save the system”.
Being a common man I don’t understand this contradiction, on one hand we are admitting the flaws in our system while on the other hand we are begging to save this very system.  I just can’t understand  this.

Save the system that allows the people to openly rig the elections? Save the system that allows the same people to admit openly in the parliament that ‘ the elections were rigged but we should save this system’? Save the system that allows a party to rule the country just because it was their turn?  Save the system which makes it impossible for a common educated man to reach the floor of the assemblies unless he belongs to a strong political family? Save the system that fills the assemblies with “politicians” rather than the sincere people that doesn’t know much about the “politics”? Save the system that gives a single man so much power that he becomes more important than the institutions? Save the system in which a son of a ruler considers this his inherited right to rule too? Save the system that fills the assemblies with people hooting ‘shame…shame’ like school boys during opponent’s speech? Save this system?
Isn’t it confusing?.
Today Pakistan is going through a tough time and instead of dividing into groups (what we always do) and blaming each other and arguing each other just for the sake of argument and listening to someone’s opinion just to counter it rather than understanding it, we should think what’s best for Pakistan. Because at the end Pakistan is what matters the most .
Being a Pakistani I don’t hesitate to admit that Imran Khan did a lot of things that were wrong. Because it’s not about one person or my leader or your leader. It’s all about Pakistan. But I would still vote him without any doubt because I know atleast he is honest. Because I so want to see a Pakistan where leaders are sincere and well educated . Because I want to see a Pakistan where you don’t have to come from a political family to be the PM of Pakistan . Because I am tired of seeing the same faces or families again and again.
On the other hand PML-N has a great opportunity to solve this problem once and for all by bringing the electoral reforms  and be remembered in history in good words. 

Sometimes I wonder why doesn’t anyone take serious measures to correct this system. Why are we always fighting the same fight after every elections. Why can’t this be fixed.
Maybe the “Politicians” don’t want this “system” to go away. Maybe this “System” is what gives them the protection.  Just a thought…

p.s:  before someone points any finger, I am not an opposer of democracy or something.  So be cool :p


  1. Its not only you who us confused Hassan. This ongoing stalemate between PTI and the government has had its toll on each one of us.The system is fine. The setup is not. The reigns are not in the right hands. And those who are out on the streets to bring a change have put question marks upon themselves as you are a democrat..I ask you, what has democracy really given us?

    1. that is not the fault of democracy, but 'democrats'. plus I believe that the other option is never a long term solution.

  2. well said and well wrote Hassan , I think most of the responsible Pakistanis share your thoughts ..

  3. I believe in democracy but our politicians are giving 'constitution' more importance than our religion and humanity. Well what else can we expect when all the corruption cases in Pakistani courts are on those sitting in the parliament.

    1. Exactly, hashim. And that is why they don't want any change in the system.
